
In a previous article “You, The Dreamer“, I discussed several topics focusing on achieving your dreams. There are only several things in life that truly paralyze us from achieving those dreams.


Patterns are what we develope over the years, and they stick to us like glue. Each individual has a unique pattern engraved in the life that is preventing them from achieving the goals or dreams they desire. Most individuals are also aware of these patterns.

Since most people are aware of their patterns and if it were true, then why aren’t more people achieving success, and turning their dreams into reality? It’s simple. Comfort zone.

Patterns give us comfort and security. It’s a sure thing and it’s simply what we are used to. The known. We understand what results from our patterns bring us daily. Breaking away from those patterns does not guarantee quality results.

A simple example of a girl, who loves beautiful designer clothing, however, due to a respect for brands we will use Brand A and Brand B in this example. She loves the brand A and it provides great quality, however deep down inside she want’s the Brand B quality stuff, however, Brand A is comfortable, due to a fact that she knows she can have that now. Risking of potentially trying to making some compromise in life would risk potentially losing Brand A and never reaching Brand B, thus causing the reason for her sticking to a pattern and what is comfortable.

Breaking away a pattern is difficult. For some of us, we built certain patterns for years and some individuals for decades. Sometimes people believe they can take away certain patterns and change their habits overnight. You won’t. Setting high expectations causes a like effect of disappointment and failure.


The importance of time is everything. No flower grows overnight. At least not the ones that I am aware of. Each individual action requires time and patients.

In order to break away from a pattern, I have learned that I had to start doing things in a Certain Way. Patterns are like an autopilot since we build them over an extensive priod of time it’s easy to sink our self back into them. We at times need to remind our self that we need to do things in a Certain Way in order to break away from our patterns.

Remember and believe that you can do anything, and with patients give things time to grow. Overtime the results will show.

Any other name?

His 30’s we’re slowly upon him. Haunted beneath lies, he was fearlessly running trough life. His time was coming, he felt it. His truth was beneath him. Under the pressure he followed the setting sun, which he hoped to find his new path, his new beginning. 

He left it all behind. His setting sun was slowly losing it’s shine. He stood there, with his hands in his pocket, his eyes; full of secrets. He waited, what it felt like decades. Suddenly , there she was; as beautiful as his imagination. He stopt for a moment, his fear “if I let her in, her whole world will shatter”. Selfless he dived  into her, a new beginning, his new chapter.

Unable to balance, too unstable to feel, he slowly started running. His lies we’re upon him. He was running once again, scared, thousands of miles away, his sun has set lower then ever. Drowning he was losing hope, he started building a new chapter, new lie.

He stood there, his lies exposed. He crushed her world, as he knew. Devastated he started running, a forever ending circle. 

Seven (7) months have passed, felt like another decade. He knew he couldn’t change his past, deep inside his heart knew, the truth was on the horizon. 

His 30’s we’re passing by, one year on the rise. He felt heaven, he felt freedom, he found beauty, as it was once lost. 

He found him self looking trough other eyes, glaring away his past, his entire lie. Found, he knew the lies she hid behind. Afraid, he believed in them, slowly losing his grip, he started falling once again diving faster then his setting sun. 

Suddenly, he felt the toxic love wearing off. He seeks the truth, knowing; once again he was lost. 

He built walls, his love, his world was falling beneath him. He knew he lost her. Her selfishness, her lies, have crushed him. 

Alone in a room filled with dark, thought and misoury,  he found the shinning light. For a year (1) he saw his entire life flash by in her eyes. Devastated, he turned away, “cold” and never looked back. 

The pain brought to his knees the heartfelt ache has finally consumed him. He knew how it felt, the people he helplessly lead on, into his own trap. 

He grew faster then ever, his success was beneath his feet. He felt freedom, he felt life. His honesty made him a better man, a happier man. 

He knew all he ever wanted was to be accepted by everyone. He realized sitting in that dark room, the only person that truly needs to accept him is, “him self” 

By Mile Ivicic

This article basically describes a man who’s entire life was a lie. The first women in his life “he crushed her world” the second woman, he saw his entire life of lies trough her eyes. She lied to him in a way he use to lie others. Needless to say, a devastation of feelings, he’s a happy man and he was never able to face another lie. It’s the moment he stopt lying a moment he couldn’t say another lie, has he met his match. People use “karma” to define such events, but it’s truly a situation he put him self in. He was asking for it. It was just a matter of time. 

Entrepenuership Reality. 

One could say I’ve tried it all. Perhaps maybe I have.

Starting up a business today is harder than ever. With more rules and laws, young entrepreneurship face vast number of challenges before they even begging their journey toward their business idea.

Each business I ever started tanked due to regulations, finances, and laws. Rules and Laws that half the time don’t even make sense.

I had and currently have many ideas and concepts ready to roll. Execution is one of the most challenging things to over come. Each project I ever started was self-financed.

I can tell you that I started a successful transportation company without even a car to my name or a single driver. Everything was going great, till DOT and the City regulators got involved.

See, I didn’t have a pocket full of lawyers and millions of dollars backing me to fight the fines and potential lawsuits while I continued my business, unlike larger corporation do. How is that fair? Someone who tried bettering terrible transportation services in Buffalo, NY got pushed out of the game.

Threatened with fines of over $25,000.00 or adjusting the operation of my business has caused me to make zero profit and later closure of my Company.

I packed my bags and fled out west…

Journey to Mexico

Unexpected weekend trip to Mexico for the first time ever. To be honest the way Mexico was described to me I was very skeptical about going. I like a good challenge tho, so I said why the hell not. First impression, crossing the boarder without even a check point? Now how cool is that! The streets were crowded, the place was live, much different then what I am use to in America. All tho the Country is not as fortunate to be rich like America, people were much friendlier, and much happier. Having a beer for under a buck at a resturant, a dinner for 5 for under 20 bucks, had me realized how over the top US is with prices. Entire time I was there I felt eased, less stressed and very curious to what that place had to offer. Needless to say, none of this would be possible without Cesar and Alma as they made this trip very fun and interesting, and they had me introduced to Mexican revolution as Alma (cha cha), said. Over all carton of Malboro is 23 USD, soda is pennies, over all 5, times less priced then US. Food was amzing, true Mexican meals. Seeing you can purchase a Penthouse on the top floor for 288K, with a view of the beach had made me realize where my next investments will go. People may say Mexico is poor, but it has a whole lot more love, smiles and happiness then most Americans will ever experience in their life time. 

Uber & Lyft 


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uber-vs-lyft-1080x675I am trying to understand this “ride share” service a little better.

I gave this some thought. So if Uber or Lyft driver does 10 rides in one day, they pickup and drop off individuals from point A to point B.

The driver drives passengers to their destination for a fee. The person that’s driving isn’t driving there, they are requested by a passenger. This car that’s driving all around town driving these 10 rides is as equivalent to all those passengers driving them self.

I thought ride sharing was supposed to be, I drive a coworker to work one week where we both work, then he does the same next week. That would make one car less on the road, helping a major pollution problem we face in large cities and cutting down on traffic.

Taxi, companies today have the same system as Uber and Lyft. You can book through an app, track a car etc. So why do Taxi Cabs face all rigorous regulations and supposedly called ride sharing services like Uber and Lyft don’t?

I have used both Lyft and Uber, and from my experience, your experience will vary based on a driver which drives you.

Any thought?

Tech world. 


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What’s it to you? Is it a fashion statement? A need or prehaps a want? Let’s sit back and look at our recent 10 years of accomplishments with phones and computers.

Neither one of these base products have evolved nor changed in any aspect. Microsoft keeps adding new verision of windows and Apple keeps changing a number in front of a “i”.

You see, a new verision of windows is like replacing a window on a existing house with only one small modification. It’s newer. Same goes for iPhone, except in their case it’s either weight, size or memory, in which even after 10 years they still throw you a 16GB phone for over 700.00 USD, when in all reality you maybe get shy of 11GB of memory.

I had my fair share of a thril, new phone upgrade every 2 years etc… I kept my Blackberry 9930 which is well over 8 years old, and till this day it does everything you new 128GB a 1,000.00 phone does. Now in 8 years it’s about 4 upgrades which equal to about 4K minius your trade off, which still brings you close to 3,200.00 USD mark. What’s it really for?

People complain about how stupid iPhone is, yet they stick to it like a glue. Paying 700.00 USD for a product which is developed in china for maybe 10.00 USD is simple as throwing away 690.00USD into thin air. So why don’t I see millions of 100 dollar bills falling out of the sky? Because they are in your hand.

Life we live, or is it a lie we live?


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Before days we’re timeless, now our days are scheduled. Is this what it means to be grown up? To be free? But are we really free?

Food, Water, Land, the very elements we need to survive are owned by corporations. There is no food for us on trees, no fresh water in the streams, no land to build a home. If you try and take what the earth provides, you will be locked away. So we obey their rules.

We discover a world trough a textbook. For years we sit, tested and graded like subjects in a lab, raised not to make a difference in this world, raised to be no different. Smart enough to do our job, but not question why we do it. So we work to work, left with no time to live what we work for, till the day comes when we are too old to do our job. It is a grave we are left to die, our children take our place. To us our path is unique, but together we are nothing more the fuel. fuel that powers the Elite. The Elite who hides behind logos of the corporations.

This is their world and their most valuable resource known to ground, it is “us”. We build their cities, we run their machines, we fight their wars. After all, money isn’t what drives them, it’s power. Money is simply a tool, they use to control us. Worthless peace of paper, to feed us, move us, entertain us. They gave us money, and in return we gave them the world.

Where there were trees that cleaned our air, are now factories that poison it. Where there was once water to drink, now it’s toxic waste at steak. Where animals ran free, now are endless factories where they are being slathered, for our satisfaction. Over a billion of people are hungry, despite us having enough food for everybody. Where does it all go? 70% we grow feeds the animals we eat, why help the hungry you can’t profit of.

We are like a plague sweeping the earth, destroying very part of environment that allows us to live. We see everything as something to be sold, as an object to be owned. But what will happen once we pollute the last river? Poison the last breath of air? Have no oil for trucks that bring us food? When will we realize that money can’t be eaten?

We aren’t destroying the planet, we are destroying our own life on it. Each and every year species go instinct, and time is running out till we’re next.

If you live in America, there is 41% chance you will get cancer, heart disease will kill 1 out of 3 Americans. We take prescription drugs to deal with these problems, but medical care is a 3rd leading cause of death, behind cancer and hearth disease. We are told, everything can be solved by throwing money at scientists, they can discover a pill, that can make our problems go away. Cancer companies and other associated medical institutions rely on our suffering to make a profit. We think we are running for a cure, but really we are running away from the cause.

Our body is a product of what we consume, yet the food we eat is designed purely for profit. We fill our self with toxic chemicals, bodies of animals infested with drugs. We don’t see this, a small group of corporations that own the media, don’t want us to know, surrounding us with a fantasy, as we’re told a reality.



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What an amazing Sunday. I have done several small hikes in California, Arizona and Colorado in the past. Today, I took it a bit extreme. 13.5 miles and almost a 3000 feet incline. It’s amazing how an hour after an hour scenery changes from a sandy desert, to beautiful green pine trees. Watching clouds above you, pass by at high speeds temperature change from high 70s to low 40s.  One of the most extraordinary experiences was seeing a Falcon, flying at it’s highest speed to capture it’s pray. It traveled so fast past us, you can hear as it pushes trough the air, almost creating a calming sound of wind.

I have been inspired. We have decided to take our hiking experience to a whole another level.

For the next 52 weeks, we plan to hike 20 most popular hike trails in California, Oregon and Colorado. Some will be on foot and some downhill biking. First three on our list are Mammoth Lakes, Yosemite and Sequoia.

Time go gear up. I will also feature my own website to share some of the spectacular images we capture.

Sunset Ridge.jpg




Few more weeks, and I will be 32. In what words can I describe the feeling? I suppose it all depends on which perspective I look at it. There is a saying “it’s just a number”, “I am getting old”, or one of favorites “it’s just another day”. I suppose I can take my pick?
Well, I personally haven’t come up with a saying, but I must admit looking over all these years, life is truly full of surprises.

I wrote a blog about my 30, briefly. I took a perspective on 31. Being 30 made me aware of who I truly am, but it wasn’t till I was 31 when I started recognizing, what truly makes me who I am. Most of my adult life I was called selfish, yet I have fallen off the face of the earth once because I was so busy catering to others.

Most people in general, read my posts or blogs as to what they want it to be, not as to what it actually says. Majority of people I encountered in my life try very hard to compensate for the things they lack with words. For those who run out of words in their defense, start talking negative about another individual just to, once again make them self look good. Most individuals now days have their ways with words, because that’s all they have, had and are being thought. I don’t speak much, but around the people I feel close to, or try to get close to, I open up slowly. I strongly believe that no conversation has to leave the room. The tolerance I have for stupidity and ignorance has gone down to one! I give each person a fair chance, no matter what my experience has been with individuals in the past, I strongly believe no person is ever the same, therefore one chance is what everyone deserves, just like in life we only get one.

It’s always easy to blame others for the lack of enthusiasm, responsibility, choices and many other things. It does work in certain situations, but in most situations, individuals repeatedly doing such things, will eventually fall. I believe that if an individual has expectations for me that they believe I haven’t met to their standard, they can simply encourage a more positive outcome and improvise, instead of complaining? Well, if only we lived in such society right?

I am not the smartest person among all seven billion people in this place we call Earth. I did however start using logic over my emotions more frequently, and it made me realize how shallow the world we live in is. There are hundreds if not thousands of topics I have an opinion on, but not emotional opinion; logical opinion. In the recent few months I have been blessed to come across some of the hit list celebrities, fashion designers, artists and another wide range of individuals with a rather greater talent. I’ve read dozen of books, from business, investments and economics. Each individual book, just like each individual person I met, share nothing in common.

Definition of happiness isn’t measured by square footage, or a wheelbase. Success is not measured by digits nor a number of followers on social media. True success is knowing your self and your values. There is many positive videos, tutorials and books, to motivate people to succeed. Has Roman Emperor between 27 BC – 395 AD need a video to motivate him to rule Roman Empire?

I wrote a topic once on “holding on”. Most of us once held a mothers hand and had a father pick us up when we fall. Now majority of people are all grown up in their 20s, 30s, 40s they have an entire life figured out, yet they are in Starbucks, reading a tutorial about motivation, leadership and success. Those individuals are still holding on to their mom’s hand, but now that hand has become in a form of a media.






Dear Chipotle


As a Loyal Customer of Chipotle since 2005 I am highly disapointed in what Chipotle as a company has become. Little over a year ago, I have experianced changes in Chipotle’s quality of food. After multiple complaint and number of responses which felt like generic messages, I have given up on them.

Shortly after I decided not to eat in their resturants, the outburst of E. Coli 026 infection happened. Each time I had Chipotle I felt as if my stomach was bloaded, which was most likely due to chicken being under cooked. Each indivudual time I contacted their Corporate office, they we’re quick to force a free burrito to my plate.

As a Loyal Customer I don’t seek free food, I seek quality. What good ones free burrito is, when that free burrito ends up tasting worse then the one I paid for originally?

I heard recently Chipotle started promoting points to earn a free burrito. Being naive and thinking they might slightly improved their food, last week I paid a visit to Chipotle, just to walk right out without even ordering a meal.

I am not an expert on food but I don’t need a certification nor a degree to tell me from right to wrong. Hope this article finds you well Steve Ells.
